Monday Morning Marketing
Optimize Your Site – Shadowbend Studios Monday Morning Marketing

Optimize your site – Most of us have heard about Website Optimization, Search Engine Optimization, Mobile Optimization etc. Website Optimization is the process of testing a new site using multiple platforms and devices to make sure that the site does not have any coding issues that are browser specific. There are instances where a site will look perfectly fine on one particular browser but may have some quirks when being presented on a different browser. Website Optimization is the opportunity to address and correct those quirks.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is used to help websites get found and ranked by search engines (such as Google). There are many elements which comprise an effective SEO optimization campaign such as relevant keyword research, backlinks, onsite optimization (alt tags for images, meta descriptions, header tags, etc.) and the appropriate amount of text on your pages with a good keyword density. Luckily there are many excellent tools out there to help you achieve this: From Yoast SEO and Schema – All In One Schema Rich Snippets to Majestic and Moz, there are ample resources to get your site in tip top shape.
Mobile Optimization is the process of making sure that your site loads quickly, looks good and is easily navigable on mobile devices like smart phones and tablets. Here are some interesting statistics according to an April 22nd, 2020 article on Oberlo:
- There are 3.5 billion cell phone users worldwide.
- Adults in the United States spend an average of 2 hours and 55 minutes on their phones daily.
- 2/3rds of people shopping on the internet use apps on their mobile devices.
- Mobile web traffic accounts for 52.6 of global web traffic.
- 69% of users shopping on the internet prefer to look up reviews on their mobile devices rather than asking in-store staff.
Optimizing your website is a critical step in the foundation for an effective business marketing strategy!
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Monday Morning Marketing
A successful content marketing strategy is telling your business’s story in a way that attracts, engages and delights your audience through each stage of the buyer’s journey. All of which you’ll learn how to do in this course.

So what exactly is a content marketing strategy? According to the Oxford dictionary it is “a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.”
social media is an integral part of a content marketing strategy
So what are you doing for your business’ content marketing strategy? How is your story unique to you and your brand? In these uncertain economic times its imperative to have an online presence. Being sure your message is a unique one is just as important.
With Social and Physical Distancing taking center stage in the world right now its important to remember a few things:
- Many people are turning to online platforms for shopping, news, entertainment, etc.
- Its much easier to sell yourself or your business with a proven strategy.
- We all have more time now to concentrate on building our brand and the way we need to do business NOW.
Hubspot is a great resource for learning. And there’s never been a better time for some FREE online classes you can take from the privacy of your own home! Here’s a great course to learn about content marketing strategies! Check it out here!
And remember Shadowbend Studios is always here to help you with all your businesses online marketing needs!
For more from Monday Morning Marketing, check out Shadowbend Studios Blog Page
Business Articles, Monday Morning Marketing
So many of us are struggling to comprehend what the future may hold for us through this terrible pandemic. Shadowbend Studios is committed to helping our clients see the light at the end of the tunnel! Too many of us are in fear for our health, our livelihoods, our businesses and our communities. There are, however, safe, sane and rational steps we can take to improve our businesses through social distancing, alleviating those fears by making strategic plans with the new normal. Tips, if you will, for Business, Mind and Body.

This weeks Monday Morning Marketing includes multiple links to articles, ideas and sites that can help alleviate your fears for business, mind and body!
Social Distancing and Working From Home…
How Brands are Encouraging Social Distancing
How To Activate Your Workspace During Social Distancing
13 Ways Businesses Can Use SEO & Marketing to Combat Coronavirus Impact
How To Network While Social Distancing
8 Ways to Manage Your Team While Social Distancing
What Covid-19 Outbreak Can do to Your Mind
How To Manage Your Mental Health During Covid-19
Workouts While at Home During Social Distancing
We’re All in This Together
Just remember, you’re not alone! Shadowbend Studios is here to help in any way we can to improve, upgrade and organize your business utilizing our menu of services. Check out our website today and be sure to give us a call if you have any questions or concerns that we can help you with!
For more from Monday Morning Marketing, check out Shadowbend Studios Blog Page
Sources: See links above
Image by Theodor Moise from Pixabay
Business Articles, Monday Morning Marketing
l businesses have to be careful about what type of marketing strategies they invest in. When you have a limited marketing budget, it’s important to get the most for your money. Social media marketing is one of the most versatile and cost-effective strategies that small businesses can use. Targeting your audience can boost your sales over time. That’s why great marketers are using social media to reach their audiences.
What’s so great about social media marketing? Here are Shadowbend Studios top 5 reasons why marketing through social media is a must for small businesses, especially today!.
5 Reasons Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing
1. Your Customers are on Social Media Platforms
The best reason for your business to market through social media platforms is that’s where your customers are spending their time! At least 70% of the U.S. population has at least one social media profile. And by 2021, the number of worldwide social media users is expected to reach about 3.1 billion people. With so many consumers using social media every day, this presents a great opportunity for small businesses who want to reach their online audience.
Connecting with your target audience can be easy if you are active on the channels that your customers use most often. In other words, , don’t make your audience come to you – go to your audience! If you aren’t already on social media, you could be missing out on an important chance to connect with your customers and engage with new leads.
2. Consumers Are More Receptive to Your Messages
Users are active on social media platforms because these channels offer a fun and easy way to network, keep in touch with friends and family, and stay connected with what’s going on in the world. Typically, users are not on these channels with the expectation that they are going to be marketed to. But this does not mean that social media users aren’t following and interacting with their favorite brands.
In fact, 95% of online adults ages 18 to 34 are likely to follow a brand on social media. However, when users follow brands and engage with their social media profiles, it is because they find the content and information in these social media campaigns valuable. Whether they are looking for deals, enjoy entertaining content, or just want to learn more about the brand, social media users are open to engaging with brands on social media channels.
The reason why consumers may be more receptive to your brand message on social media is because social media allows you to be more conversational and show a different side of your brand. The content that you publish on these channels contribute to your brand personality and help you demonstrate your brand voice. On social media, you are able to make authentic connections with your leads and customers, rather than just delivering direct marketing messages. This is something that consumers are generally more responsive towards.
It’s probably not new to you to find customers and companies discussing an issue/ concern about their brand on Twitter. Or maybe you have stumbled upon some brands’ Q & As on Instagram Stories. Most marketers see these social media channels as a way to get to know their audience better in a more personal way. So you should too!
3. Marketing Through Social Media Increases Brand Recognition
Another benefit of marketing through social media is that it helps you improve visibility, and thus increase recognition for your brand. Your business social media profiles present new opportunities to share your content and really present your brand’s voice and personality. By posting compelling content that adds value for your target audience, you are making your brand both more accessible and familiar for new leads and current customers.
For example, let’s say that a new lead stumbles upon your brand on social media. They may not have heard of your company before, but through your social media content, they are able to learn more about your brand and the value that you provide. This same situation can apply to your current customers. After seeing your social media content on multiple networks, existing customers are able to become better acquainted with your business, which may increase their interest in a repeat purchase.
4. Marketing Through Social Media Increases Inbound Traffic
Your social media profiles provide yet another way to get more inbound traffic to your website. This makes marketing through social media an excellent strategy to complement your search engine optimization efforts. Each piece of content that you post is an opportunity to bring new visitors to your site. Once the visitor gets to your site, you will have the opportunity to convert.
To get the most inbound traffic possible, it’s important that you consistently publish content that is engaging and adds value for your audience. The more quality content that you post, the more opportunities you have to engage new leads. If your website is optimized, then its only a matter of time before new leads convert into customers.
5. Different Social Media Channels Help Your Reach
Another benefit of social media marketing is that you are able to strategically target different audiences. Based on channels your brand is active on, rather than putting your marketing message out there for everyone to see. You can reach your target market and work to drive more qualified leads back to your site.
Create a clear list of your audience demographic values – the more detailed it is, the better. This list can include their gender, age, location, interests, the brands they follow, hobbies, etc. Knowing these values will give you more idea on which social media channel you should use to reach them. Also, this will help you in creating content that will engage your audience thus increasing your chances for conversions. The more relevant this traffic is, the more likely you will be to boost conversion rates.
Call Shadowbend Studios today to learn more about how your business can utilize Social Media Marketing!
For more from the Studio, check out Shadowbend Studios Blog Page
Sources: &
Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay
Monday Morning Marketing
Learning new skills can be both time-consuming and challenging. With new technology emerging at breakneck speeds, there’s a palpable pressure to continuously up your skills!
“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
That’s never been truer than it is today. According to Josh Kaufman, international bestselling author of The Personal MBA, it takes 20 hours to go from knowing nothing about a particular subject to being pretty good at it. Of course, if you want to become an expert that takes even longer!
Podcasts and blogs are a great starting point for exploring a particular topic. But online marketing courses will provide you with the time and space you need to go deep and truly master this new skill. And most courses are made up of on-demand videos and exercises that you can progress through at your own pace.
Below,Shadowbend Studios has gathered some of the best free online marketing courses. They cover the main skills you’ll need to advance in today’s rapidly changing workplace. Continued learning will help you become an expert in whatever subject you feel can best help you succeed.
Just click on one of the following topics below to jump straight to courses that will help you market your business:
Now is a perfect time to take advantage of free online classes to help grow your business today!
For more Monday Morning Marketing, check out Shadowbend Studios Blog Page
Sources: HubSpot and Coursera
Image by muneebfarman from Pixabay
Business Articles, Monday Morning Marketing
Digital Marketing, Online Marketing, Web Marketing. There are so many phrases used to describe what essentially is utilizing the internet, social media, websites etc. to market you business and bring in new customers. This is a huge field full of a massive amount of information and we will be covering different aspects in future posts. Today however, let’s cover a handful of basic concepts that will get you started on the road to marketing your business online.
- Really get to know your customers and potential customers. With the internet and social media giving you so many ways to segment and specify your marketing tools, it really helps to know what drives your current and potential customers and clients. What will make them stop and take a look at one of your ads or one of your blog / social media posts.
- Write engaging topics, not just hard sell. This is SO VERY IMPORTANT! I see failures around this tip all the time. People are burned out on hard sell all the time. Your potential new customers and clients want to get to know you. They want a peek inside your business, your life, your interests etc. As we have mentioned in previous posts, a good rule of thumb is to make your content about 10% – 20% selling and 80% – 90% engagement. This doesn’t sharing what you had for breakfast with your audience but perhaps you visited an industry related event over the weekend or purchased a new piece of equipment for your business. This may make for an interesting blog or social media post for your followers and they may also appreciate a look at the “personal” side of your office or studio!
- Make sure you include SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services into your campaign and understand that you should be in this for the long haul. Any authentic, organic online marketing campaign will take time to bring you back sustainable results. Search Engine Optimzation (SEO) is a fantastic, solid way to help bring your business and your website more visitors, which translates to more potential customers and clients. SEO is a long term prospect and you need to know that going in. Any company that claims they can guarantee you front page results on Google SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) in days or weeks is either using an unsustainable, artificial means to boost your presence or is just flat out lying to you. SEO takes time, but it is very much worth it.
- Keep your brand consistent. Sure you want to create eye catching ad campaigns with lots of engaging visuals, but make sure to keep your brand visible and consistence so that your viewers know immediately who the content is coming from. We have all had those instances where we see a visually stunning ad campaign only to realize we have no idea who or what is being marketed!
- Don’t be afraid to try new things! As I have told my clients, online marketing is different from designing and printing 10,000 direct mail pieces. Once they are printed, that’s it! With online marketing you can try something and if it doesn’t work, just adjust it and try again!
That should be a good jumping off place. As always, if you have any questions or would like more information, just contact us at any time
Take care,
Skip & Sandy