Welcome Sandy Stafford To Shadowbend Studios!

Welcome Sandy Stafford To Shadowbend Studios!

A Perfect Balance…

Sandy Stafford Skip Sommer Shadowbend StudiosEquals in most things, Sandy and I collaborate on all of the projects we develop here at Shadowbend Studios. We share a perfect balance of strengths to form a great partnership for creating and problem solving.

My primary skill set lies in layout, architecture and coding (backend) and Sandy’s in visual and graphic design (frontend). We can (and usually do!) attack the same problem from opposite ends and come up with great solutions for any client issue.

Having worked in Office Management for years before going back to school for an Arts degree, Sandy is able to take over the day-to-day administrative office duties for Shadowbend Studios. Our clients will be seeing and hearing more and more of her in person and on the phone!  Ensuring daily office responsibilities are up to date will make it easier for me to concentrate on building new websites and serving all my clients needs.

A perfect balance!

Sandy studied Graphic Design, Art History and Dance in college. She also spent several years as President of the Board for the West Africa Cultural Arts Institute in Eugene Oregon.

Sandy has spent most of her life expressing herself through dance, creating custom jewelry (which can be seen on her awesome new site, Dancing Goddess Designs!), handmade artist books and more recently not-so-fine art.  She also loves refinishing furniture too.  Sandy is a true Renaissance Woman!

In her younger days, she worked as a sailmaker and proudly sailed across the Pacific Ocean with two crew mates during Hurricane Iniki and lived to tell about it.

Sandy and I are looking forward to celebrating the upcoming 15 year business anniversary of Shadowbend Studios and taking our company in to 2020 stronger and more creative than ever!

Contact Shadowbend Studios today and let’s discuss the ways we can help bring your business to the World Wide Web!

Take care,
Skip and Sandy