Shadowbend Studios Welcomes
Janaki Costello, Loving Arms Childbirth Services

At Shadowbend Studios back in late March, Sandy and I wanted to take some time to check in with our clients to see how they, their families and their businesses were coping with the Covid-19 pandemic and all it entails. So, we sent out a simple questionnaire to all of our clients. Typically our Client Showcases’ talk about a specific client, their business and what Shadowbend Studios did for them. Our Covid-19 Version asked each of our clients the same 5 questions to see how they’re responding and adapting to life during a pandemic.

Our first respondent is Janaki Costello. Janaki is the Founder of Loving Arms Childbirth Services and teaches childbirth preparation. She has been working with pregnant women, their partners and families since 1975. Her passion for helping moms with pregnancy, labor and breastfeeding began with her own three children, now grown. Janaki is also a proud grandmother of five amazing grandchildren! Here is what she had to say:

1. How are you, your families and your business doing?

We have converted our classes to online childbirth education entirely.   We are doing well personally 

2. How has this pandemic affected your business?

Registrations are down for all classes after May and we are hoping to attract more pregnant students. We are spending quite a lot of time working to stay on top of all the new medical & clinical guidelines about birthing in the time of Covid-19. 

3. What strategies are you using to cope (professionally and/or personally)?

Professionally we attend webinars and classes on new online teaching strategies. Personally getting outside in nature, meditation and connecting with family as much as possible either virtually or physical distancing outdoors helps. 

4. What could you use help with (professionally and/or personally)?

Attracting more registrations! Providing more support in postpartum for the new families without the usual means of family/professional support.

5. What are you looking forward to when the shelter in place mandates are lifted?

HUGS!!! Although we have discovered some new and exciting teaching materials we will continue to use, we are looking forward to teaching in person, hands-on as this is far more appropriate for childbirth education.

We are right there with you Janaki! Virtual hugs all around! And using this time to reorganize, retrain and reconnect with the basics is a great idea during all this down time! If we were pregnant right now, we’d definitely be using a Doula!

If you or someone you know, would like to connect with Janaki Costello, Loving Arms Childbirth Services or learn more about her classes, here is her contact information:

Janaki Costello
Loving Arms Childbirth.
(510) 525-1155

Be sure to let her know Shadowbend Studios sent you!

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