Shadowbend Studios’ “The Shelf Chronicles”
BEETLEJUICE, BEETLEJUICE, BEETL… (Ut oh, I’m not going to temp fate by saying his name THREE times!)
Yep, it’s one of my favorite spooks… Michael Keaton’s “Beetlejuice”. I have always said the only thing I disliked about the movie was the limited amount of screen time he got! I would have enjoyed seeing much more of his antics on screen but I have to contend myself with having Beetlejuice as a referral agent for Shadowbend Studios now.
I have to say, with his copy of the “Handbook For The Recently Deceased” in hand, he does a pretty fair job of bringing in new business from the “other side”.
The only problem is… most of those new referrals are such DEAD-beats. 🙂