As your email-marketing program develops and expands—and your in-house technology struggles to keep up—you might decide to outsource tech tasks that no longer make for the best use of your team’s creative time or your budget.

According to Josh Gordon, writing at The Lunchpail, the single-minded efforts of an email service provider (ESP) can make it the perfect partner for an overloaded marketing team.

“Outside email marketing vendors have tremendous incentive to build, adapt, and refine their software solutions to meet the ever-changing demands of the consumer,” he reports. “It is not simply a ‘need-to’ for vendors, it is crucial to their growth and survival in an increasingly competitive space.”

Here are some reasons why hiring an ESP might be a good move:

It can help you consolidate your efforts. “The key is finding the right vendor that facilitates consolidation by centralizing all useful marketing data in the same software platform that delivers the emails,” notes Gordon.

It can offer cutting-edge technology managed by experts. Fact: The more complex or outmoded your in-house system becomes, the more likely it is to distract your team from the email-marketing task at hand. And that’s a time- and money-waster.

Outsourcing is likely cheaper than building and maintaining an in-house solution. Gordon explains why: “It’s not just [an] investment in the technology infrastructure, it [also fulfills] the need to constantly upgrade combined with the very real need [to] lean on professional services for the latest and greatest in design and campaign execution.”

Outsourcing could boost output. Consider letting someone else worry about the tech side of your email-marketing efforts. In the process, you’ll free up your team to focus on what really matters: your messaging and your ongoing strategy.

Source: The Lunchpail.