Well… I never thought I would actually get to interact with my very own SCAM artist! All kidding aside this was just too much fun. He pinged me on Skype and I was just “in a mood”… what follows is a transcript of the Skype conversation. (just to be clear, I’m James and the scammer is Philip, whom I’m now calling “Peggy”) 🙂 Enjoy.
11:54 AM Authorization requested:
Good Day My Name is Philip from Usa i work with the bank of America and there is a fund that was approved in your name so contact me via my address philipstarr20@yahoo.com
11:54 AM Authorization granted to Philip Starr
11:54 AM James Sommer
Hello? are you there?
12:49 PM Philip Starr
hello who plz?
12:51 PM James Sommer
You had just sent me a message regarding a bank of america fund?
12:52 PM Philip Starr
okay so what is your full name reconfirm that clear so that i can check on that
12:52 PM James Sommer
James Sommer
12:54 PM Philip Starr
okay listen a fund was issued in your name to be paid so i shall direct u very well on how to claim this plz would i know how old are u and what is your job?
12:55 PM James Sommer
who issued the fund? and how much is it?
12:56 PM Philip Starr
it was given out by connecticuts government and supported by bank of America the fund is 1.5million dollars
12:56 PM James Sommer
so let me get this straight… the Connecticut government wants to give me 1.5 million dollars?
12:57 PM Philip Starr
yes are you james soomer?
12:57 PM James Sommer
James Sommer yes
12:57 PM Philip Starr
yes we are right is your age 48 to 50years?
12:58 PM James Sommer
wow that is terrific… I did not know the State of Connecticut was so generous… yes I am 48 and I suppose you want my bank account information now?
12:59 PM Philip Starr
well it is by gratual means so that the fund is not misplaced
12:59 PM James Sommer
oh yes of course… we cannot have the fund misplaced
12:59 PM Philip Starr
what is your accupation and are u married?
12:59 PM James Sommer
I design lacy undergarments for Cocker Spaniels and I’m not married (what a surprise eh?)
1:00 PM Philip Starr
Okay did u have yahoo messenger address?
1:01 PM James Sommer
no, but I do have an brand new “OH BOY!” messenger address…
1:01 PM Philip Starr
okay send me your address now
1:01 PM James Sommer
which address?
1:01 PM Philip Starr
your email address any one you are using
1:02 PM James Sommer
what are you going to use it for?
1:02 PM Philip Starr
we shall be sending mail for betterment of this fund
1:03 PM James Sommer
okay here is my email address… ready?
1:03 PM Philip Starr
1:04 PM James Sommer
1:04 PM Philip Starr
what did u mean this is real and never fake okay so if u are not interested do let me know maybe we have to see each other for u to beleieve right
1:06 PM James Sommer
Sure thing… why dont you come by my office I’m sure you live close to me here in California right?
1:06 PM Philip Starr
yes i am in connecticuts right now and my duty is to direct u very well on this fund so why u doubt me?
1:07 PM James Sommer
I guess I shouldn’t.. I mean you do have that very distinctive east coast accent… it’s a dead giveaway for people who live in Connecticut.
1:08 PM Philip Starr
so what u mean that we are fake? okay maybe we have to forget this
1:10 PM James Sommer
No no.. its fine… actually I would prefer to meet you in person Where is your office? Which city are you in?
1:11 PM Philip Starr
all i need is to give u all information of this fund and it actually you are coming that would be nice
1:11 PM James Sommer
Yes that would be perfect, I would prefer to do this in person
1:12 PM Philip Starr
my address is Goshen conneticut 06756 USA u dont need to worry on this okay
1:12 PM James Sommer
oh that’s perfect… you are very close to me
1:13 PM Philip Starr
the fund will be deliver to u or transfer to your bank account yes
1:13 PM James Sommer
I live in California which is right next to Connecticut.. I can get on my bike and be there in just a couple of hours… which day would you like to meet? What works best for you? I’ll have all of my bank account information with me.
1:14 PM Philip Starr
after i find out all it will takes u to claim this fund i shall like u come in personal
1:15 PM James Sommer
yes I will like to come in personal too.
1:15 PM Philip Starr
1:15 PM James Sommer
what is your address in Goshen?
1:16 PM Philip Starr
silver plain 234 now u know i am serous
1:17 PM James Sommer
Oh I never doubted it, I have relatives that live there too! We go watch the Connecticut Robins play baseball! What a small world eh?
1:18 PM Philip Starr
u see that would be all nice now send me ur email address so that i can send u mail on what u need to do i will send you the document you need to get this delivery okay
1:18 PM James Sommer
sure thing… here it is… ready?
1:19 PM Philip Starr
send it
1:19 PM James Sommer
YouHaveGotToBeKiddingMe@gmail.com there you go… Gosh I’m so excited to get $1.5 million dollars!
1:19 PM Philip Starr
this is not kiddind
1:20 PM James Sommer
Oh I’m not kiddind either
1:20 PM Philip Starr
well lets call it a day bye for now
1:20 PM James Sommer
Okay then… hey, great talking with you! good luck with your next victim…
Take care!
Bye Bye now