Spring is here, and Karen Talavera wants to clean house. “[N]ow is the perfect time for us to critically re-examine our programs, campaign processes, and messages with a fresh, unbiased eye,” she says in an article at the MarketingProfs site. “Time to sweep away the cobwebs of inefficiency or neglect that might have accumulated in less-scrutinized times.”
Talavera identifies five areas for close examination; among them:
Permission. It’s likely that a number of sources contribute subscribers to your list, and that they use varying degrees of permission—pre-checked box, un-checked box, double opt-in or even opt-out. “[P]ut a stake in the ground and make your preferred method the new standard,” she says. For the highest level of customer engagement, she recommends double opt-in and an un-checked box.
Your Message. “When is the last time you gave the messages you send a thorough critique?” she asks, noting that you need to examine both marketing and transactional email. Make sure that the technology works, you’re within the law and your messages reflect your brand.
“Improve what you have already,” Talavera advises. “Start from the ground up, making sure your fundamentals are sound. There’s no point building on a shaky foundation; now … is the time to shore up.”
Get squeaky clean! As budgets and staffs shrink, spring cleaning can vastly increase your effectiveness and efficiency.
Source: MarketingProfs.