As marketers continue to see good ROI from finely tuned mobile strategies, the humble text message has acquired newfound cachet. And in a recent video posted at the CenterNetworks blog, Allen Stern interviews Tatango CEO Derek Johnson, whose one-to-many SMS service enables instant mobile communication with an entire list of subscribers via text message and voice call. It’s worth checking out; here are some of Tatango’s finer points to consider:

The service is free, supported by advertising inserted at the bottom of a message. This leaves you with around 120 characters at your disposal.
You can easily build an opt-in group by inviting customers or colleagues to join.
Johnson claims that there are no limitations on the size of your group: the service can be scaled for small teams or large customer segments.

Sending a message is easy, too. “You can go to the website or you can do it directly from your mobile phone,” says Johnson. “You simply text … your message to 68398, and if you’re a group administrator, we know that it’s going out to your entire group.”

Text that next ad message! According to Stern, services like Tatango’s—including that offered by tXt_blaster—have some serious marketing potential. “This method could be more effective than email marketing,” he says.

Source: CenterNetworks.