Ah, the mobile phone: we know it well as consumers, and as such are in a perfect position to approach it from a direct marketer’s POV. Here are a few ground rules for truly covetable mobile marketing:
Bait your line. A useful iPhone app could do you right, as could a nifty advergame, or exclusive discounts for top customers. Ooh!—and in 2007, SMS serials were all the rage in Japan. Suck ’em in with a story!
Plan well in advance. Set aside three months to spread the word and prepare related media buys. This is a great opportunity to snap up mobile numbers for future promos. Just ask Team Obama, which gathered a panoply of numbers when it offered to text Obama fans the name of his running-mate in advance of the media.
Nixus interruptus. Pop-ups didn’t last long chez Internet, and equally interruptive marketing has no future in mobile.
Always, always ask permission. Two weeks ago, AT&T got burned when it sent an unsolicited text message about American Idol’s season premier. Hundreds made vocal complaints all over Twitter.
Back it up. Your mobile marketing campaign needs a subsite where people can learn more. At the very least, the homepage should tout the same creative and tagline.
Be phone-friendly. You’d be surprised how many mobile marketers include a link in their messages, then forget to optimize the site for people visiting from their phones. (Even iPhones load faster when a site’s mobile-optimized.) Avoid this faux-pas! Be accessible!
In mobile as in life, it helps to know the rules of engagement. Keep these close at hand. (For best results, text to self!)
source: marketingprofs enewsletter