“You’ve heard the branding gurus’ mantra,” says Jane Schulte, author of Work Smart, Not Hard! “Brand or be branded. Well, it’s true. If you don’t go about the process of creating a personality for your company, one will be created for you.” She outlines this process for ensuring your brand doesn’t happen by accident:

Start with two lists. One should contain words that describe your company’s current personality; the second should describe the company you want to be. They might be similar lists; in this case, they’ll help you to focus on consistency as you grow. If they differ, you can make a conscious, concerted effort to move toward the brand you envision.
Determine what your company looks like. From Web site design and taglines to colors and logos, make choices that work together to build your brand.
Reinforce the brand throughout your organization. “It cannot be an act,” says Schulte. “You have to make sure, just like your mission statement, that you can easily carry [it] off in everything you do, from marketing [to] advertising, client service and employee relations.” And give your team the resources they need to make this happen—otherwise, they’ll devise ad hoc solutions that might send the wrong message about your brand.

Source: Article by Jane Schulte.