Shadowbend Studios has once again made it’s presence known in the Great State of Wisconsin. After working with Robin LeGrand on the website for her folk’s Nursery, LeGrands Gardens, I was contacted by Eileen Hammer Housfeld to work on a project for the Museum of Wisconsin Art. I was delighted to meet with Eileen and take on the project with her. I must say at this point that I continue to be pleasantly surprised by the people I have met and worked with from Wisconsin. Eileen; my contact in California, Darryl; the campaign manager in Wisconsin and Kyle Tuska of the Hoppmann Group who handled the printing were all extremely easy to work with and genuinly nice, pleasant people. Now every project has it’s snags and obstacles but even considering this, working with this team was very smooth and enjoyable.
The museum is currenty embarking on a project to fund the building of a new facility and it was our job to design the presentation package to be sent to potential contributors. We ended up with a 16 page presentation complete with the new floor plans, a beautifully embossed cover and a nice amount of representative work by Wisconsin artists.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of my 6 month involvement with the project was my continued exposure to Adobe InDesign. I had previously only used the program for smaller projects but I got a really good workout with InDesign CS3 and I am now completely devoted to the program! I can now produce projects that I previously would have done in either Illustrator or Photoshop much faster, with more accuracy and flexibility in InDesign. And with the new features of the CS3 package I could not be happier with the product.
I am very proud of the contribution I made to this project and I look forward to working with Eileen in the furture (or at least meeting for coffee at our usual table in Starbucks!)
Every day is a blessing,